February 15, 2025

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Urgent medical help for Christians in Pakistan


The majority of Christians in Pakistan live below the poverty line. The main reason for their vulnerable condition is unemployment and lack of opportunities, as being minorities they are only offered low-income labor jobs which provide them a salary that is hardly sufficient to feed their families. Fulfilling their educational and medical needs is even further out of reach. Many children, young adults and elderly people of the Christian community in Pakistan lose their lives for not having proper medical assistance. Doctors’ fees and medicine are not even considered possible options.

There is no free medical care available in Pakistan such as in western nations. Nor is there a public social security structure, leaving the poor Christians to the mercy of destiny. Sometimes borrowing a loan is an easy option to get themselves treated, but by doing so they get themselves trapped into a hole of debt as repaying the loan becomes almost impossible for them with their low incomes and they are thrown into slavery in exchange for the amount borrowed.

We aim to reach such Christians in Pakistan who are poor, helpless, have little to no source of income and are in urgent need of medical aid. Lord Jesus Christ has commanded us to love and care for each other. If God has made us capable of sharing a little part of our means with those who are part of the body of Christ, and they need us desperately, then we must do so happily and by doing so we shall be rewarded in Heaven by our loving Father.

Currently we are in contact with many Christian families in Pakistan who are in need of urgent medical care. If God has asked you to be part of this cause, please contribute by clicking below any amount that you wish to share or contact us for our bank account details or for further information.

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam – For the greater glory of God. Amen.