January 28, 2025

English Spanish Urdu Hindi Indonesian

About us

We are a group of lay Catholic Christians who with the charism of Saint Ignatius of Loyola want to respond to the mandate of Jesus Christ: “go and make disciples in all nations (Mt 28:19)”. We work for that by devoting our time, effort and resources to spread the Gospel to those who do not know about it yet.

There is an enormous need and a rising demand for the formation and knowledge of Christian Catholicism in various Asian and African countries, or countries with no Christian traditions, via the Internet. We are inspired by Saint Francis Xavier, who traveled the world knowing that many do not become Christians because of the simple fact that they do not have anyone to teach and preach the Gospel. Therefore, this initiative is our response.

Based on the charism of the Society of Jesus, we are developing an online channel to broadcast and spread the Christian Catholic faith, especially in Asian countries with difficulties in accessibility due to their personal, cultural, linguistic, religious or political situations. A channel that transcends limits and borders, accessible for everyone, and that joyfully declares the truth revealed by Jesus Christ and His disciples.

“We are not monks, the world is our home.” Following this motto of Jerónimo Nadal SJ,  we want that the Good News reaches everyone in his or her language or dialect and that it is an effective tool for the knowledge and growth in faith, for the evangelization of all communities. By means of video, reflections, prayer, catechism, animation, testimonies and with our team specialized in languages like Urdu, Indonesian, Hindi, Bangla, Arabic, etc., we want to reach everyone around the world. 


Ad maiorem Dei gloriam – For the greater glory of God