October 18, 2024

English Spanish Urdu Hindi Indonesian

The Angelus

The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Hail Mary….). Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to thy word. (Hail Mary….). And the Word was made Flesh. And dwelt among us. (Hail Mary….). Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That… Continue reading The Angelus

In God’s Service

Lord God, whose we are and whom we serve, help us to glorify you this day, in all the thoughts of our hearts, in all the words of our lips, and in all the works of our hands, as becomes those who are your servants, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

How Good It Is to Love You

My Jesus, from all eternity you were pleased to give yourself to us in love. And you planted within us a deep spiritual desire that can only be satisfied by yourself. I may go from here to the other end of the world, from one country to another, from riches to greater riches, from pleasure… Continue reading How Good It Is to Love You